You may have noticed our website is undergoing some changes. Below you will find nomination forms for the community service awards & criteria for submission. Please submit to mrspa@mrspa.org before March 20, 2025
For other updates please see the News/Events page.

Advocating to protect and enhance your defined benefit pension has been the primary focus of MRSPA for 80 years. This important work continues for all Maryland retired school personnel regardless of where you live in retirement. Stay informed on the issues affecting retired school personnel.

Build your retirement by contributing to a committee, serving in your community, or choosing leadership with MRSPA. Create space for service by participating in a local service project. Find opportunities to give with our MRSPA Foundation Grant or Scholarship Programs for active school system employees.

Enhance your retirement by mingling with colleagues. Engage in community activities and social events, travel with former colleagues, meet new friends, investigate member benefits and expand your horizons.