Executive Director's Message
Wanda Ruffo Twigg
“School’s out for summer!” I remember as a kid loving the last day of school, getting that report card in my hand that showed the successful effort of the previous 180 days, looking forward to a long summer vacation playing ball, swimming, Girl Scout camp, riding my bike, and evening hide and seek with the neighborhood kids. Summer seemed to last forever, then. Then, as a teacher, the last day of school brought the feeling of accomplishment, with a touch of regret that it was over, with a lot of exhaustion. Then, the 2 or 3 days of cleaning up my room, putting away all my cool “stuff” until August, finalizing grades, and chatting about the year that was with friends and colleagues. A sense of calm always accompanied those last few days.
Looking forward to the few weeks of summer vacation to try to regroup, take a class, write some curriculum, or teach summer school, and rest up to do it all over again. Summer seemed to go so quickly, then. Here we are again at the beginning of summer. Another MRSPA membership year has come and gone. Much has been accomplished and there is much yet to be done. We bid farewell to our outgoing president and vice president and welcome new leaders.
We are grateful that members have stepped up to take on these and all the MRSPA leadership roles. Before we know it, we’ll be holding the local Presidents’ meeting, the August Board of Directors meeting, membership renewals will be processed, and the eleven standing committees will meet to run the organization. The summer will undoubtedly go very quickly, again. We know that as retirees, you are still very busy. Busy with grandkids, church, visiting friends and family, traveling, gardening, reading, taking care of medical appointments, and volunteering in the community. Should you have a few hours in your year to donate to MRSPA, please contact us and let us know.
Most committees meet less than 10 hours a year and you don’t have to leave home to attend the meeting! We would love to have you join a committee to share your knowledge and talents. If you’d like to see what the committees are and do, check them out on our website at www.mrspa.org, click Committees. If you are interested, email us at mrspa@mrspa.org. Enjoy another short summer!
Wanda Ruffo Twigg
MRSPA Executive Director